5 things we've learnt on our journey to #oneteam

...quite difficult. We had to try some new ways to make policy and service design the same thing. 5 things we’ve learnt 1. When you design a new digital service,...
...quite difficult. We had to try some new ways to make policy and service design the same thing. 5 things we’ve learnt 1. When you design a new digital service,...
Our agile board for the HMRC API services In order for employers to access their apprenticeship funding, the digital apprenticeship service needs to know how much levy has been collected...
...a means to use the funds in their digital account to buy training from the provider of their choice. In order for that to happen, employers need to be able...
Employers can use the calculator to plan their apprenticeship programmes As part of delivering the new digital apprenticeship service, we’ve been talking to employers across the country about what they...