When did you last take an exam?

...and services, many of which are based on uncustomised out-of-the-box products. In principle this should make for a system that is much quicker and cheaper to change than the current...
Tim is Head of Solution Design and Innovation at the Skills Funding Agency
...and services, many of which are based on uncustomised out-of-the-box products. In principle this should make for a system that is much quicker and cheaper to change than the current...
...Product Owners need to work across projects to discharge the total vision. We’re still working this through If you are skipping straight to this section to find a definitive answer...
...continually. There are so many ways to learn; from the people around us, formal training, internet sources such as Pluralsight, massive open online courses (MOOCs) such as Coursera, local meetups...
...best of the agile approaches - delivering better and better services to our users. Keep in touch. Sign up to email updates from this blog or subscribe to the feed....
...work with the SFA's Service Managers (Heads of Digital Service) to design the new services. We plan the transition from policy-driven 'inside-out' systems, to user-driven 'outside in' approaches - whilst...
A blog about how the Education & Skills Funding Agency is transforming its digital services to become digital by default.