...the new apprenticeship service in my role as product manager. I’ve never worked on digital projects before - and it’s been a steep learning curve! I’m thriving from working with...
...service. In December 2016 the apprenticeship service passed its beta service assessment, meaning we could go live. While that’s a great achievement, it did not mean that our work was...
...quite difficult. We had to try some new ways to make policy and service design the same thing. 5 things we’ve learnt 1. When you design a new digital service,...
UPDATE: This functionality is now live We will soon be adding a new piece of functionality into the apprenticeship service. This will enable levy-paying employers to add apprentices and set...
...normal. If your payroll department or agents are worried about the security of the site or what information it might give you access to, the next question should give them...
...was exciting to be working full time. I was based in the project support office to start with. My role involved supporting the team in the processing of invoices, purchase...
My live feed of statistical analysis for the apprenticeship service The apprenticeship service launch into public beta has so far been a success. We deliberately kept the launch small to...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0InPkpZX2I&feature=youtu.be Employers have already given us positive feedback about the apprenticeship service – they’ve told us it's simple, easy to use and intuitive. This short video tells you more about...