It's all about the apprentices

Members of the apprenticeship service delivery team at one of our many retros Rarely in your daily working life do you stand back and think about the impact of what...
Members of the apprenticeship service delivery team at one of our many retros Rarely in your daily working life do you stand back and think about the impact of what... We were able to make rapid tweaks to make the process easier for all employers who would be using their apprenticeship service account. Testing payments We had already done...
...April. If you’re an employer and due to pay the levy in April, you can register for the service now. If you’re interested in the service and how it’s being...
My live feed of statistical analysis for the apprenticeship service The apprenticeship service launch into public beta has so far been a success. We deliberately kept the launch small to...
Today we take the end-to-end digital apprenticeship service to GDS for its private beta assessment. As service manager, it’s my job to make sure that everything is in place.
Well, the Apprenticeship Applications exemplar has now been given official approval to go into public Beta after passing the GDS service assessment last week. It’s been a challenging couple of...