The Customer Data Service (CDS) system was launched last November. It allows us to transfer data in near real time between the multiple contractors who deliver the National Careers Service....
...someone in person, you can use telephone banking, or online banking. However you access the service, you expect the information held about you to be consistent. If you go into...
“So we have these really lean business processes and we are going to build a set of services to support them. We will have data supporting Service Based Design but...
Service Based Design - a phrase with the words ‘master’ and ‘data’ nowhere to be seen. Ah, so that’s it, build a few services, knock out a few corporate schemas,...
...whilst the rest of us share easily understood material in widely available software. Oh, and it’s cheap. Make sure those data models see the light of day - produce data...
...make the mistake of implementing a Master Data Management (MDM) system hoping the technology will manage this for them without putting the necessary governance in place. MDM can make this...
...(deliberately misspelt) which tells them that garbage-in means garbage-out. Even the best BI tools won’t solve fundamental data issues (although they will deliver the incorrect information in a far more...
...‘Conceptual’, ‘Logical’, ‘Physical’, ‘Class’, ‘Canonical’, ‘Application’, ‘Abstract’, and ‘Business’ are some of the names used for types of data model. Surely a project doesn’t need all these? Well the good...