...the new apprenticeship service in my role as product manager. I’ve never worked on digital projects before - and it’s been a steep learning curve! I’m thriving from working with...
...of the National Careers Service arrive straight into our job profiles via an internet search, using terms such as: “How to become a social worker…(police officer, train driver...or whatever specific...
My live feed of statistical analysis for the apprenticeship service The apprenticeship service launch into public beta has so far been a success. We deliberately kept the launch small to...
The payments team use "Specification by example" to create a shared language The new apprenticeship service adds employers into the payment process, creating another layer of complexity in the system....
...a means to use the funds in their digital account to buy training from the provider of their choice. In order for that to happen, employers need to be able...
Employers can use the calculator to plan their apprenticeship programmes As part of delivering the new digital apprenticeship service, we’ve been talking to employers across the country about what they...
The UK is not as productive as many other developed countries. Employers tell us that this is because there is a lack of technical skills in the workplace.
...best of the agile approaches - delivering better and better services to our users. Keep in touch. Sign up to email updates from this blog or subscribe to the feed....
...couple weeks), our off-platform online tools (see below), and our archived content on the National Archives. It’s critical that the user journeys between the on-platform and off-platform elements of the...