At the ESFA we have been conducting research with providers focusing on how they submit data to us and where improvements can be made. We looked at what transpires before and after submission of the ILR returns.
Delivery Manager Andrew Howe on how replica environments support rollout confidence and protect user experience Talk of “top-secret replicas” and people would be forgiven for thinking of sinister sci-fi clones … but exactly the opposite is true within the apprenticeship …
Building digital capability in the public sector is not that easy. Gary Tucker, Head of digital for the apprenticeship service, shares 5 strategies for meeting this challenge
An insight from ESFA user researcher Ayiesha Russell into how we conduct user research and testing to help inform and improve the apprenticeship service from a user-centric perspective
...are published online and exploited very quickly and this punishes any company which is too slow to act. Using the example of a ‘traditional’ waterfall project, it might be common...
As a group of testers, over the past year or so we have been assessing, discussing, researching, learning and refining how we transition from a traditional waterfall approach, to providing an agile service. As with most organisations, we used to …
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ESFA Digital
A blog about how the Education & Skills Funding Agency is transforming its digital services to become digital by default.